Pokemon Ref

Pal Pad (Pokémon Item)


Use to record Friend Codes and check your own.

In-Depth Effect

Contains friend codes for up to 32 other players, as well as their sprite, gender, and basic statistics for those that have been seen on WFC.



Key items


Cost: 0


Red Blue No
Yellow No
Ruby Sapphire No
Emerald No
FireRed LeafGreen No
Diamond Pearl Yes
Platinum Yes
HeartGold SoulSilver Yes
Black White Yes
Black 2 White 2 Yes
X Y Yes
Sun Moon Yes
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Yes
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Yes
Sword Shield Yes

Game Descriptions

Diamond PearlA convenient notepad that is used for registering your friends and keeping a record of game play.
PlatinumA convenient notepad that is used for registering your friends, Friend Codes, and keeping a record of game play.
HeartGold SoulSilverA convenient notepad that is used for registering your friends, Friend Codes, and keeping a record of game play.
Black WhiteA convenient notepad that is used for registering your friends, Friend Codes, and keeping a record of game play.
Black 2 White 2A convenient notepad that is used for registering your friends, Friend Codes, and keeping a record of game play.
X YA convenient notepad that is used to register your Friends and friend codes and keep a record of your gameplay.
Sun MoonA convenient notepad that is used to register your Friends and friend codes and keep a record of your gameplay.
Ultra Sun Ultra MoonA convenient notepad that is used to register your Friends and friend codes and keep a record of your gameplay.
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go EeveeA convenient notepad that is used to register your friends and friend codes and keep a record of your gameplay.
Sword ShieldA convenient notepad that is used to register your friends and friend codes and keep a record of your gameplay.


We are working on this.