Pokemon Ref

TM63 (Pokémon Item)


Teaches Embargo to a compatible Pokémon.



All machines
TMs and HMs


Cost: 50,000


Red Blue No
Yellow No
Ruby Sapphire No
Emerald No
FireRed LeafGreen No
Diamond Pearl Yes
Platinum Yes
HeartGold SoulSilver Yes
Black White Yes
Black 2 White 2 Yes
X Y Yes
Sun Moon Yes
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Yes
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Yes
Sword Shield Yes

Game Descriptions

Diamond PearlIt prevents the foe from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
PlatinumIt prevents the foe from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
HeartGold SoulSilverIt prevents the foe from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
Black WhiteIt prevents the target from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
Black 2 White 2It prevents the target from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
X YThis move prevents the target from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
Sun MoonThis move prevents the target from using its held item for five turns. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
Ultra Sun Ultra MoonThis move prevents the target from using its held item for five turns. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go EeveeThis move prevents the target from using its held item for five turns. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
Sword ShieldAn energy-draining punch. The user’s HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.


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