Pokemon Ref

Togedemaru (Pokémon)


Roly-Poly Pokémon

Pokédex Data

National No.#777
Type Electric Steel
SpeciesRoly-Poly Pokémon
Height0.3 m (1' 1.0")
Weight3.3 kg (7.3 lbs)
  1. Iron-barbs
  2. Lightning-rod
  3. Sturdy(hidden ability)
Introduced inGeneration 7


Catch Rate180
Base Exp.152
Growth RateMedium


Egg Group Field Fairy

Base Stats

Special Attack409%
Special Defense7317%

Togedemaru Evolution Chart

Type Effectiveness


No effect on Togedemaru Poison
Not very effective against Togedemaru Normal Flying Rock Bug Steel Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Fairy
Normal effect against Togedemaru Ghost Water Dark
Super effective against Togedemaru Fighting Ground Fire

Togedemaru Weakness

This shows the effectiveness of each type on Togedemaru. Togedemaru is the defender and each type is the attacker. The effectiveness is measured by the damage multiplier.


KeyEffectDamage multiplier
0No effect0%
¼ (0.25)Not very effective25%
½ (0.5)Not very effective50%
2Very effective200%
4Super effective400%

Type effectiveness against Togedemaru

0.5× damage
Normal Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
2× damage
Fighting Pokémon are very effective against against Togedemaru.
0.25× damage
Flying Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
0× damage
Poison Pokémon have no effect against Togedemaru.
4× damage
Ground Pokémon are super effective against against Togedemaru.
0.5× damage
Rock Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
0.5× damage
Bug Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
1× damage
Ghost Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Togedemaru.
0.25× damage
Steel Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
2× damage
Fire Pokémon are very effective against against Togedemaru.
1× damage
Water Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Togedemaru.
0.5× damage
Grass Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
0.5× damage
Electric Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
0.5× damage
Psychic Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
0.5× damage
Ice Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
0.5× damage
Dragon Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.
1× damage
Dark Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Togedemaru.
0.5× damage
Fairy Pokémon are not very effective against against Togedemaru.

Pokédex Entries

Togedemaru was unavailable prior to Generation 7.
Generation 7
SunThe spiny fur on its back is normally at rest. When this Pokémon becomes agitated, its fur stands on end and stabs into its attackers.
MoonThe long hairs on its back act as lightning rods. The bolts of lightning it attracts are stored as energy in its electric sac.
Ultra SunWhen it’s surprised or agitated, the 14 fur spikes on its back will stand up involuntarily.
Ultra MoonIts capacity to produce electricity is somewhat limited, so it gets charged up by letting lightning strike it!
Let's Go PikachuLet's Go EeveeTogedemaru has no Pokédex entry.
Generation 8
SwordWith the long hairs on its back, this Pokémon takes in electricity from other electric Pokémon. It stores what it absorbs in an electric sac.
ShieldWhen it’s in trouble, it curls up into a ball, makes its fur spikes stand on end, and then discharges electricity indiscriminately.

Togedemaru Moves