Pokemon Ref

Water Gun (Pokémon Move)

Water Gun Effect


The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.

In-Depth Effect

Inflicts regular damage.

Water Gun Move Data

Type Water
Introduced inGeneration 1
Power Points (PP) 25
Base Power 40
Accuracy 100
Speed Priority0
Selected Pokémon
One other Pokémon on the field, selected by the trainer.


Red Bluetm12

Game Descriptions

Ruby SapphireSquirts water to attack the foe.
EmeraldSquirts water to attack the foe.
FireRed LeafGreenThe foe is struck with a lot of water expelled forcibly from the mouth.
Diamond PearlThe foe is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
PlatinumThe foe is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
HeartGold SoulSilverThe foe is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Black WhiteThe target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Black 2 White 2The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
X YThe target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Sun MoonThe target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Ultra Sun Ultra MoonThe target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go EeveeThe target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
Sword ShieldThe target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.

Pokémon that Learn Water Gun by Leveling Up

Egg Group
#10SquirtleWaterMonsterWater 13
#11WartortleWaterMonsterWater 11
#12BlastoiseWaterMonsterWater 11
#93PsyduckWaterWater 1Field3
#94GolduckWaterWater 1Field1
#99PoliwagWaterWater 11
#100PoliwhirlWaterWater 11
#101PoliwrathWaterFightingWater 11
#113TentacoolWaterPoisonWater 31
#114TentacruelWaterPoisonWater 31
#125SlowpokeWaterPsychicMonsterWater 16
#127SlowbroWaterPsychicMonsterWater 11
#145ShellderWaterWater 31
#146CloysterWaterIceWater 31
#156KrabbyWaterWater 31
#157KinglerWaterWater 31
#186HorseaWaterWater 1Dragon1
#187SeadraWaterWater 1Dragon1
#191StaryuWaterWater 34
#192StarmieWaterPsychicWater 31
#213LaprasWaterIceMonsterWater 11
#228OmanyteRockWaterWater 1Water 315
#229OmastarRockWaterWater 1Water 315
#255TotodileWaterMonsterWater 16
#256CroconawWaterMonsterWater 16
#257FeraligatrWaterMonsterWater 16
#266ChinchouWaterElectricWater 21
#267LanturnWaterElectricWater 21
#278MarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy1
#279AzumarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy1
#102PolitoedWaterWater 11
#291WooperWaterGroundWater 1Field1
#292QuagsireWaterGroundWater 1Field1
#130SlowkingWaterPsychicMonsterWater 11
#308QwilfishWaterPoisonWater 28
#321CorsolaWaterRockWater 1Water 35
#323RemoraidWaterWater 1Water 21
#324OctilleryWaterWater 1Water 21
#327MantineWaterFlyingWater 11
#188KingdraWaterDragonWater 1Dragon1
#339SuicuneWaterNo Eggs Discovered1
#355MudkipWaterMonsterWater 13
#356MarshtompWaterGroundMonsterWater 11
#357SwampertWaterGroundMonsterWater 11
#370LotadWaterGrassWater 1Grass6
#371LombreWaterGrassWater 1Grass1
#372LudicoloWaterGrassWater 1Grass1
#378WingullWaterFlyingWater 1Flying1
#379PelipperWaterFlyingWater 1Flying1
#277AzurillNormalFairyNo Eggs Discovered1
#431WailmerWaterFieldWater 212
#432WailordWaterFieldWater 21
#452BarboachWaterGroundWater 21
#453WhiscashWaterGroundWater 21
#454CorphishWaterWater 1Water 31
#455CrawdauntWaterDarkWater 1Water 31
#460AnorithRockBugWater 34
#461ArmaldoRockBugWater 31
#463MiloticWaterWater 1Dragon1
#484SphealIceWaterWater 1Field8
#485SealeoIceWaterWater 1Field1
#486WalreinIceWaterWater 1Field1
#487ClamperlWaterWater 11
#490RelicanthWaterRockWater 1Water 25
#491LuvdiscWaterWater 24
#531BibarelNormalWaterWater 1Field1
#549BuizelWaterWater 1Field15
#550FloatzelWaterWater 1Field15
#553ShellosWaterWater 1Amorphous1
#554GastrodonWaterGroundWater 1Amorphous1
#582FinneonWaterWater 26
#583LumineonWaterWater 26
#326MantykeWaterFlyingNo Eggs Discovered1
#666Basculin Red StripedWaterWater 21
#686TirtougaWaterRockWater 1Water 31
#687CarracostaWaterRockWater 1Water 31
#702DucklettWaterFlyingWater 1Flying1
#703SwannaWaterFlyingWater 1Flying1
#740StunfiskGroundElectricWater 1Amorphous1
#823BinacleRockWaterWater 38
#824BarbaracleRockWaterWater 31
#825SkrelpPoisonWaterWater 1Dragon10
#826DragalgePoisonDragonWater 1Dragon1
#827ClauncherWaterWater 1Water 31
#828ClawitzerWaterWater 1Water 31
#867VolcanionFireWaterNo Eggs Discovered1
#874PopplioWaterWater 1Field3
#875BrionneWaterWater 1Field1
#876PrimarinaWaterFairyWater 1Field1
#901Wishiwashi SoloWaterWater 21
#907DewpiderWaterBugWater 1Bug1
#908AraquanidWaterBugWater 1Bug1
#955BruxishWaterPsychicWater 21
#965Tapu FiniWaterFairyNo Eggs Discovered1
#997SobbleWaterWater 1Field6
#998DrizzileWaterWater 1Field1
#999InteleonWaterWater 1Field1
#1014ChewtleWaterMonsterWater 11
#1015DrednawWaterRockMonsterWater 11
#1026CramorantFlyingWaterWater 1Flying7
#1055PincurchinElectricWater 1Amorphous5
#1069DracovishWaterDragonNo Eggs Discovered1
#1070ArctovishWaterIceNo Eggs Discovered1
#465Castform SunnyFireFairyAmorphous10
#466Castform RainyWaterFairyAmorphous10
#467Castform SnowyIceFairyAmorphous10
#667Basculin Blue StripedWaterWater 21
#13Blastoise MegaWaterMonsterWater 120
#358Swampert MegaWaterGroundMonsterWater 14
#128Slowbro MegaWaterPsychicMonsterWater 112
#902Wishiwashi SchoolWaterWater 21
#741Stunfisk GalarGroundSteelWater 1Amorphous1
#1027Cramorant GulpingFlyingWaterWater 1Flying7
#1028Cramorant GorgingFlyingWaterWater 1Flying7

Pokémon that Learn Water Gun by Breeding

Egg Group
#370LotadWaterGrassWater 1Grass

Pokémon that Learn Water Gun by Machine

Egg Group
#10SquirtleWaterMonsterWater 1
#11WartortleWaterMonsterWater 1
#12BlastoiseWaterMonsterWater 1
#58NidorinaPoisonNo Eggs Discovered
#59NidoqueenPoisonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#93PsyduckWaterWater 1Field
#94GolduckWaterWater 1Field
#99PoliwagWaterWater 1
#100PoliwhirlWaterWater 1
#101PoliwrathWaterFightingWater 1
#113TentacoolWaterPoisonWater 3
#114TentacruelWaterPoisonWater 3
#125SlowpokeWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#127SlowbroWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#139SeelWaterWater 1Field
#140DewgongWaterIceWater 1Field
#145ShellderWaterWater 3
#146CloysterWaterIceWater 3
#156KrabbyWaterWater 3
#157KinglerWaterWater 3
#186HorseaWaterWater 1Dragon
#187SeadraWaterWater 1Dragon
#189GoldeenWaterWater 2
#190SeakingWaterWater 2
#191StaryuWaterWater 3
#192StarmieWaterPsychicWater 3
#211GyaradosWaterFlyingWater 2Dragon
#213LaprasWaterIceMonsterWater 1
#228OmanyteRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#229OmastarRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#230KabutoRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#231KabutopsRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#236ArticunoIceFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#242DratiniDragonWater 1Dragon
#243DragonairDragonWater 1Dragon
#244DragoniteDragonFlyingWater 1Dragon
#245MewtwoPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#248MewPsychicNo Eggs Discovered


Red Blue No
Yellow No
Ruby Sapphire Yes
Emerald Yes
FireRed LeafGreen Yes
Diamond Pearl Yes
Platinum Yes
HeartGold SoulSilver Yes
Black White Yes
Black 2 White 2 Yes
X Y Yes
Sun Moon Yes
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Yes
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Yes
Sword Shield Yes