Pokemon Ref

Body Slam (Pokémon Move)

Body Slam Effect


The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.

In-Depth Effect

Inflicts regular damage. Has a 0% chance to paralyze the target.

Body Slam Move Data

Type Normal
Introduced inGeneration 1
Power Points (PP) 15
Base Power 85
Accuracy 100
Speed Priority0
Selected Pokémon
One other Pokémon on the field, selected by the trainer.


Red Bluetm08
Sword Shieldtr01

Game Descriptions

Ruby SapphireA full-body slam that may cause paralysis.
EmeraldA full-body slam that may cause paralysis.
FireRed LeafGreenThe user drops its full body on the foe. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
Diamond PearlThe user drops onto the foe with its full body weight. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
PlatinumThe user drops onto the foe with its full body weight. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
HeartGold SoulSilverThe user drops onto the foe with its full body weight. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
Black WhiteThe user drops onto the target with its full body weight. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
Black 2 White 2The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
X YThe user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Sun MoonThe user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Ultra Sun Ultra MoonThe user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go EeveeThe user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Sword ShieldThe user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.

Pokémon that Learn Body Slam by Leveling Up

Egg Group
#59NidoqueenPoisonGroundNo Eggs Discovered1
#99PoliwagWaterWater 130
#100PoliwhirlWaterWater 132
#101PoliwrathWaterFightingWater 11
#213LaprasWaterIceMonsterWater 140
#102PolitoedWaterWater 11
#431WailmerWaterFieldWater 236
#432WailordWaterFieldWater 236
#484SphealIceWaterWater 1Field36
#485SealeoIceWaterWater 1Field40
#486WalreinIceWaterWater 1Field40
#507KyogreWaterNo Eggs Discovered1
#553ShellosWaterWater 1Amorphous25
#554GastrodonWaterGroundWater 1Amorphous25
#234MunchlaxNormalNo Eggs Discovered28
#867VolcanionFireWaterNo Eggs Discovered46
#976GuzzlordDarkDragonNo Eggs Discovered35
#1014ChewtleWaterMonsterWater 149
#1015DrednawWaterRockMonsterWater 157
#508Kyogre PrimalWaterNo Eggs Discovered20

Pokémon that Learn Body Slam by Move Tutor

Egg Group
#10SquirtleWaterMonsterWater 1
#11WartortleWaterMonsterWater 1
#12BlastoiseWaterMonsterWater 1
#57Nidoran FPoisonMonsterField
#58NidorinaPoisonNo Eggs Discovered
#59NidoqueenPoisonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#60Nidoran MPoisonMonsterField
#93PsyduckWaterWater 1Field
#94GolduckWaterWater 1Field
#99PoliwagWaterWater 1
#100PoliwhirlWaterWater 1
#101PoliwrathWaterFightingWater 1
#125SlowpokeWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#127SlowbroWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#139SeelWaterWater 1Field
#140DewgongWaterIceWater 1Field
#156KrabbyWaterWater 3
#157KinglerWaterWater 3
#194Mr MimePsychicFairyHuman-Like
#211GyaradosWaterFlyingWater 2Dragon
#213LaprasWaterIceMonsterWater 1
#228OmanyteRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#229OmastarRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#230KabutoRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#231KabutopsRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#242DratiniDragonWater 1Dragon
#243DragonairDragonWater 1Dragon
#244DragoniteDragonFlyingWater 1Dragon
#245MewtwoPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#248MewPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#255TotodileWaterMonsterWater 1
#256CroconawWaterMonsterWater 1
#257FeraligatrWaterMonsterWater 1
#34PichuElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#63CleffaFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#70IgglybuffNormalFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#268TogepiFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#278MarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy
#279AzumarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy
#102PolitoedWaterWater 1
#291WooperWaterGroundWater 1Field
#292QuagsireWaterGroundWater 1Field
#130SlowkingWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#321CorsolaWaterRockWater 1Water 3
#325DelibirdIceFlyingWater 1Field
#327MantineWaterFlyingWater 1
#188KingdraWaterDragonWater 1Dragon
#167TyrogueFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#199SmoochumIcePsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#201ElekidElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#204MagbyFireNo Eggs Discovered
#337RaikouElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#338EnteiFireNo Eggs Discovered
#339SuicuneWaterNo Eggs Discovered
#344LugiaPsychicFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#355MudkipWaterMonsterWater 1
#356MarshtompWaterGroundMonsterWater 1
#357SwampertWaterGroundMonsterWater 1
#370LotadWaterGrassWater 1Grass
#371LombreWaterGrassWater 1Grass
#372LudicoloWaterGrassWater 1Grass
#277AzurillNormalFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#431WailmerWaterFieldWater 2
#432WailordWaterFieldWater 2
#454CorphishWaterWater 1Water 3
#455CrawdauntWaterDarkWater 1Water 3
#458LileepRockGrassWater 3
#459CradilyRockGrassWater 3
#460AnorithRockBugWater 3
#461ArmaldoRockBugWater 3
#463MiloticWaterWater 1Dragon
#484SphealIceWaterWater 1Field
#485SealeoIceWaterWater 1Field
#486WalreinIceWaterWater 1Field
#487ClamperlWaterWater 1
#488HuntailWaterWater 1
#489GorebyssWaterWater 1
#490RelicanthWaterRockWater 1Water 2
#500RegirockRockNo Eggs Discovered
#501RegiceIceNo Eggs Discovered
#502RegisteelSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#503LatiasDragonPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#505LatiosDragonPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#507KyogreWaterNo Eggs Discovered
#509GroudonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#511RayquazaDragonFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#513JirachiSteelPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#514Deoxys NormalPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#515Deoxys AttackPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#516Deoxys DefensePsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#517Deoxys SpeedPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#465Castform SunnyFireFairyAmorphous
#466Castform RainyWaterFairyAmorphous
#467Castform SnowyIceFairyAmorphous

Pokémon that Learn Body Slam by Breeding

Egg Group
#189GoldeenWaterWater 2
#278MarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy
#291WooperWaterGroundWater 1Field
#277AzurillNormalFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#431WailmerWaterFieldWater 2
#454CorphishWaterWater 1Water 3
#487ClamperlWaterWater 1
#686TirtougaWaterRockWater 1Water 3

Pokémon that Learn Body Slam by Machine

Egg Group
#10SquirtleWaterMonsterWater 1
#11WartortleWaterMonsterWater 1
#12BlastoiseWaterMonsterWater 1
#57Nidoran FPoisonMonsterField
#58NidorinaPoisonNo Eggs Discovered
#59NidoqueenPoisonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#60Nidoran MPoisonMonsterField
#93PsyduckWaterWater 1Field
#94GolduckWaterWater 1Field
#99PoliwagWaterWater 1
#100PoliwhirlWaterWater 1
#101PoliwrathWaterFightingWater 1
#125SlowpokeWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#127SlowbroWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#139SeelWaterWater 1Field
#140DewgongWaterIceWater 1Field
#156KrabbyWaterWater 3
#157KinglerWaterWater 3
#189GoldeenWaterWater 2
#190SeakingWaterWater 2
#194Mr MimePsychicFairyHuman-Like
#211GyaradosWaterFlyingWater 2Dragon
#213LaprasWaterIceMonsterWater 1
#228OmanyteRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#229OmastarRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#230KabutoRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#231KabutopsRockWaterWater 1Water 3
#242DratiniDragonWater 1Dragon
#243DragonairDragonWater 1Dragon
#244DragoniteDragonFlyingWater 1Dragon
#245MewtwoPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#248MewPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#34PichuElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#63CleffaFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#70IgglybuffNormalFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#268TogepiFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#278MarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy
#279AzumarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy
#102PolitoedWaterWater 1
#291WooperWaterGroundWater 1Field
#292QuagsireWaterGroundWater 1Field
#130SlowkingWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#321CorsolaWaterRockWater 1Water 3
#325DelibirdIceFlyingWater 1Field
#327MantineWaterFlyingWater 1
#188KingdraWaterDragonWater 1Dragon
#167TyrogueFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#199SmoochumIcePsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#201ElekidElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#204MagbyFireNo Eggs Discovered
#337RaikouElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#338EnteiFireNo Eggs Discovered
#339SuicuneWaterNo Eggs Discovered
#344LugiaPsychicFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#355MudkipWaterMonsterWater 1
#356MarshtompWaterGroundMonsterWater 1
#357SwampertWaterGroundMonsterWater 1
#370LotadWaterGrassWater 1Grass
#371LombreWaterGrassWater 1Grass
#372LudicoloWaterGrassWater 1Grass
#277AzurillNormalFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#431WailmerWaterFieldWater 2
#432WailordWaterFieldWater 2
#454CorphishWaterWater 1Water 3
#455CrawdauntWaterDarkWater 1Water 3
#458LileepRockGrassWater 3
#459CradilyRockGrassWater 3
#460AnorithRockBugWater 3
#461ArmaldoRockBugWater 3
#463MiloticWaterWater 1Dragon
#484SphealIceWaterWater 1Field
#485SealeoIceWaterWater 1Field
#486WalreinIceWaterWater 1Field
#490RelicanthWaterRockWater 1Water 2
#500RegirockRockNo Eggs Discovered
#501RegiceIceNo Eggs Discovered
#502RegisteelSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#503LatiasDragonPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#505LatiosDragonPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#507KyogreWaterNo Eggs Discovered
#509GroudonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#511RayquazaDragonFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#513JirachiSteelPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#553ShellosWaterWater 1Amorphous
#554GastrodonWaterGroundWater 1Amorphous
#234MunchlaxNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#596DialgaSteelDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#597PalkiaWaterDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#598HeatranFireSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#599RegigigasNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#600Giratina AlteredGhostDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#602CresseliaPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#673Darmanitan StandardFireField
#686TirtougaWaterRockWater 1Water 3
#687CarracostaWaterRockWater 1Water 3
#764Tornadus IncarnateFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#766Thundurus IncarnateElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#770Landorus IncarnateGroundFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#856XerneasFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#857YveltalDarkFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#858Zygarde 50DragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#867VolcanionFireWaterNo Eggs Discovered
#970NihilegoRockPoisonNo Eggs Discovered
#971BuzzwoleBugFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#974CelesteelaSteelFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#976GuzzlordDarkDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#986StakatakaRockSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#990MelmetalSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#1014ChewtleWaterMonsterWater 1
#1015DrednawWaterRockMonsterWater 1
#1036ClobbopusFightingWater 1Human-Like
#1037GrapploctFightingWater 1Human-Like
#1048CursolaGhostWater 1Water 3
#1050Mr RimeIcePsychicHuman-Like
#1067DracozoltElectricDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#1068ArctozoltElectricIceNo Eggs Discovered
#1069DracovishWaterDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#1070ArctovishWaterIceNo Eggs Discovered
#1081KubfuFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#1082Urshifu Single StrikeFightingDarkNo Eggs Discovered
#1084ZarudeDarkGrassNo Eggs Discovered
#1086RegielekiElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#1087RegidragoDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#1088GlastrierIceNo Eggs Discovered
#1089SpectrierGhostNo Eggs Discovered
#601Giratina OriginGhostDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#674Darmanitan ZenFirePsychicField
#765Tornadus TherianFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#767Thundurus TherianElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#771Landorus TherianGroundFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#42Pikachu Original CapElectricFieldFairy
#43Pikachu Hoenn CapElectricFieldFairy
#44Pikachu Sinnoh CapElectricFieldFairy
#45Pikachu Unova CapElectricFieldFairy
#46Pikachu Kalos CapElectricFieldFairy
#47Pikachu Alola CapElectricFieldFairy
#52Raichu AlolaElectricPsychicFieldFairy
#54Sandshrew AlolaIceSteelField
#56Sandslash AlolaIceSteelField
#67Vulpix AlolaIceField
#69Ninetales AlolaIceFairyField
#85Diglett AlolaGroundSteelField
#87Dugtrio AlolaGroundSteelField
#89Meowth AlolaDarkField
#92Persian AlolaDarkField
#165Marowak AlolaFireGhostMonster
#860Zygarde 10 Power ConstructDragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#861Zygarde 50 Power ConstructDragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#862Zygarde CompleteDragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#48Pikachu Partner CapElectricFieldFairy
#50Pikachu World CapElectricFieldFairy
#90Meowth GalarSteelField
#122Ponyta GalarPsychicField
#124Rapidash GalarPsychicFairyField
#126Slowpoke GalarPsychicMonsterWater 1
#129Slowbro GalarPoisonPsychicMonsterWater 1
#136Farfetchd GalarFightingFlyingField
#195Mr Mime GalarIcePsychicHuman-Like
#131Slowking GalarPoisonPsychicMonsterWater 1
#322Corsola GalarGhostWater 1Water 3
#362Zigzagoon GalarDarkNormalField
#364Linoone GalarDarkNormalField
#675Darmanitan Galar StandardIceField
#676Darmanitan Galar ZenIceFireField
#859Zygarde 10DragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#1083Urshifu Rapid StrikeFightingWaterNo Eggs Discovered
#1085Zarude DadaDarkGrassNo Eggs Discovered
#1091Calyrex IcePsychicIceNo Eggs Discovered
#1092Calyrex ShadowPsychicGhostNo Eggs Discovered


Red Blue No
Yellow No
Ruby Sapphire Yes
Emerald Yes
FireRed LeafGreen Yes
Diamond Pearl Yes
Platinum Yes
HeartGold SoulSilver Yes
Black White Yes
Black 2 White 2 Yes
X Y Yes
Sun Moon Yes
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Yes
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Yes
Sword Shield Yes