Pokemon Ref

Leer (Pokémon Move)

Leer Effect


The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat.

Leer Move Data

Type Normal
Introduced inGeneration 1
Power Points (PP) 30
Base Power
Accuracy 100
Speed Priority0
All opponents
All opposing Pokémon.

Game Descriptions

Ruby SapphireFrightens the foe with a leer to lower DEFENSE.
EmeraldFrightens the foe with a leer to lower DEFENSE.
FireRed LeafGreenThe foe is given an intimidating look that lowers its DEFENSE stat.
Diamond PearlThe foe is given an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The target’s Defense stat is reduced.
PlatinumThe foe is given an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The target’s Defense stat is reduced.
HeartGold SoulSilverThe foe is given an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The target’s Defense stat is reduced.
Black WhiteThe opposing team gains an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The opposing team’s Defense stats are reduced.
Black 2 White 2The user gains an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The opposing team’s Defense stats are reduced.
X YThe user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat.
Sun MoonThe user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat.
Ultra Sun Ultra MoonThe user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat.
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go EeveeThe user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat.
Sword ShieldThe user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat.

Pokémon that Learn Leer by Leveling Up

Egg Group
#60Nidoran MPoisonMonsterField1
#145ShellderWaterWater 312
#146CloysterWaterIceWater 31
#156KrabbyWaterWater 31
#157KinglerWaterWater 31
#186HorseaWaterWater 1Dragon1
#187SeadraWaterWater 1Dragon1
#211GyaradosWaterFlyingWater 2Dragon1
#228OmanyteRockWaterWater 1Water 320
#229OmastarRockWaterWater 1Water 320
#230KabutoRockWaterWater 1Water 320
#231KabutopsRockWaterWater 1Water 320
#236ArticunoIceFlyingNo Eggs Discovered16
#238ZapdosElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered16
#240MoltresFireFlyingNo Eggs Discovered1
#242DratiniDragonWater 1Dragon1
#243DragonairDragonWater 1Dragon1
#244DragoniteDragonFlyingWater 1Dragon1
#255TotodileWaterMonsterWater 11
#256CroconawWaterMonsterWater 11
#257FeraligatrWaterMonsterWater 11
#188KingdraWaterDragonWater 1Dragon1
#201ElekidElectricNo Eggs Discovered1
#204MagbyFireNo Eggs Discovered1
#337RaikouElectricNo Eggs Discovered1
#338EnteiFireNo Eggs Discovered1
#339SuicuneWaterNo Eggs Discovered1
#428CarvanhaWaterDarkWater 21
#429SharpedoWaterDarkWater 21
#454CorphishWaterWater 1Water 34
#455CrawdauntWaterDarkWater 1Water 31
#514Deoxys NormalPsychicNo Eggs Discovered1
#577SkorupiPoisonBugBugWater 31
#578DrapionPoisonDarkBugWater 31
#598HeatranFireSteelNo Eggs Discovered1
#688ArchenRockFlyingFlyingWater 31
#689ArcheopsRockFlyingFlyingWater 31
#761CobalionSteelFightingNo Eggs Discovered1
#762TerrakionRockFightingNo Eggs Discovered1
#763VirizionGrassFightingNo Eggs Discovered1
#764Tornadus IncarnateFlyingNo Eggs Discovered5
#766Thundurus IncarnateElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered5
#770Landorus IncarnateGroundFlyingNo Eggs Discovered5
#775Keldeo OrdinaryWaterFightingNo Eggs Discovered1
#811Meowstic MalePsychicField1
#867VolcanionFireWaterNo Eggs Discovered6
#887CrabrawlerFightingWater 39
#888CrabominableFightingIceWater 39
#898Lycanroc MiddayRockField1
#958Jangmo ODragonDragon1
#959Hakamo ODragonFightingDragon1
#960Kommo ODragonFightingDragon1
#972PheromosaBugFightingNo Eggs Discovered5
#1032Toxtricity AmpedElectricPoisonHuman-Like1
#1036ClobbopusFightingWater 1Human-Like1
#1037GrapploctFightingWater 1Human-Like1
#1063Morpeko Full BellyElectricDarkFieldFairy5
#1081KubfuFightingNo Eggs Discovered1
#1082Urshifu Single StrikeFightingDarkNo Eggs Discovered1
#1084ZarudeDarkGrassNo Eggs Discovered6
#515Deoxys AttackPsychicNo Eggs Discovered1
#516Deoxys DefensePsychicNo Eggs Discovered1
#517Deoxys SpeedPsychicNo Eggs Discovered1
#765Tornadus TherianFlyingNo Eggs Discovered5
#767Thundurus TherianElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered5
#771Landorus TherianGroundFlyingNo Eggs Discovered5
#776Keldeo ResoluteWaterFightingNo Eggs Discovered1
#812Meowstic FemalePsychicField1
#185Kangaskhan MegaNormalMonster1
#212Gyarados MegaWaterDarkWater 2Dragon6
#198Scizor MegaBugSteelBug1
#311Heracross MegaBugFightingBug1
#331Houndoom MegaDarkFireField1
#343Tyranitar MegaRockDarkMonster1
#418Manectric MegaElectricField4
#479Absol MegaDarkField4
#586Abomasnow MegaGrassIceMonsterGrass1
#350Sceptile MegaGrassDragonMonsterDragon1
#406Sableye MegaDarkGhostHuman-Like1
#385Gallade MegaPsychicFightingHuman-LikeAmorphous1
#430Sharpedo MegaWaterDarkWater 21
#482Glalie MegaIceFairyMineral1
#495Salamence MegaDragonFlyingDragon7
#165Marowak AlolaFireGhostMonster6
#882Gumshoos TotemNormalField3
#899Lycanroc MidnightRockField1
#961Kommo O TotemDragonFightingDragon5
#166Marowak TotemFireGhostMonster13
#897Rockruff Own TempoRockField1
#900Lycanroc DuskRockField1
#136Farfetchd GalarFightingFlyingField5
#241Moltres GalarDarkFlyingNo Eggs Discovered1
#362Zigzagoon GalarDarkNormalField1
#364Linoone GalarDarkNormalField1
#1033Toxtricity Low KeyElectricPoisonHuman-Like1
#1064Morpeko HangryElectricDarkFieldFairy5
#1083Urshifu Rapid StrikeFightingWaterNo Eggs Discovered1
#1085Zarude DadaDarkGrassNo Eggs Discovered6

Pokémon that Learn Leer by Breeding

Egg Group


Red Blue No
Yellow No
Ruby Sapphire Yes
Emerald Yes
FireRed LeafGreen Yes
Diamond Pearl Yes
Platinum Yes
HeartGold SoulSilver Yes
Black White Yes
Black 2 White 2 Yes
X Y Yes
Sun Moon Yes
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Yes
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Yes
Sword Shield Yes