Pokemon Ref

Tackle (Pokémon Move)

Tackle Effect


A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.

In-Depth Effect

Inflicts regular damage.

Tackle Move Data

Type Normal
Introduced inGeneration 1
Power Points (PP) 35
Base Power 40
Accuracy 100
Speed Priority0
Selected Pokémon
One other Pokémon on the field, selected by the trainer.

Game Descriptions

Ruby SapphireCharges the foe with a full- body tackle.
EmeraldCharges the foe with a full- body tackle.
FireRed LeafGreenA physical attack in which the user charges, full body, into the foe.
Diamond PearlA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the foe with its whole body.
PlatinumA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the foe with its whole body.
HeartGold SoulSilverA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the foe with its whole body.
Black WhiteA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
Black 2 White 2A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
X YA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
Sun MoonA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
Ultra Sun Ultra MoonA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go EeveeA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
Sword ShieldA physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.

Pokémon that Learn Tackle by Leveling Up

Egg Group
#10SquirtleWaterMonsterWater 11
#11WartortleWaterMonsterWater 11
#12BlastoiseWaterMonsterWater 11
#57Nidoran FPoisonMonsterField1
#58NidorinaPoisonNo Eggs Discovered1
#59NidoqueenPoisonGroundNo Eggs Discovered1
#60Nidoran MPoisonMonsterField1
#125SlowpokeWaterPsychicMonsterWater 11
#127SlowbroWaterPsychicMonsterWater 11
#145ShellderWaterWater 31
#146CloysterWaterIceWater 31
#191StaryuWaterWater 31
#192StarmieWaterPsychicWater 31
#210MagikarpWaterWater 2Dragon15
#211GyaradosWaterFlyingWater 2Dragon1
#278MarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy1
#279AzumarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy1
#130SlowkingWaterPsychicMonsterWater 11
#308QwilfishWaterPoisonWater 21
#321CorsolaWaterRockWater 1Water 31
#327MantineWaterFlyingWater 11
#167TyrogueFightingNo Eggs Discovered1
#355MudkipWaterMonsterWater 11
#356MarshtompWaterGroundMonsterWater 11
#357SwampertWaterGroundMonsterWater 11
#462FeebasWaterWater 1Dragon15
#463MiloticWaterWater 1Dragon1
#490RelicanthWaterRockWater 1Water 21
#491LuvdiscWaterWater 21
#525PrinplupWaterWater 1Field1
#526EmpoleonWaterSteelWater 1Field1
#530BidoofNormalWater 1Field1
#531BibarelNormalWaterWater 1Field1
#542Wormadam PlantBugGrassBug1
#234MunchlaxNormalNo Eggs Discovered1
#326MantykeWaterFlyingNo Eggs Discovered1
#227Porygon ZNormalMineral1
#666Basculin Red StripedWaterWater 24
#673Darmanitan StandardFireField1
#740StunfiskGroundElectricWater 1Amorphous1
#815Aegislash ShieldSteelGhostMineral1
#821InkayDarkPsychicWater 1Water 21
#822MalamarDarkPsychicWater 1Water 21
#825SkrelpPoisonWaterWater 1Dragon1
#826DragalgePoisonDragonWater 1Dragon1
#856XerneasFairyNo Eggs Discovered1
#863DiancieRockFairyNo Eggs Discovered1
#898Lycanroc MiddayRockField1
#931Type NullNormalNo Eggs Discovered1
#932SilvallyNormalNo Eggs Discovered1
#933Minior Red MeteorRockFlyingMineral1
#958Jangmo ODragonDragon1
#959Hakamo ODragonFightingDragon1
#960Kommo ODragonFightingDragon1
#974CelesteelaSteelFlyingNo Eggs Discovered1
#986StakatakaRockSteelNo Eggs Discovered1
#1014ChewtleWaterMonsterWater 11
#1015DrednawWaterRockMonsterWater 11
#1048CursolaGhostWater 1Water 31
#1059Eiscue IceIceWater 1Field1
#1067DracozoltElectricDragonNo Eggs Discovered1
#1069DracovishWaterDragonNo Eggs Discovered1
#1088GlastrierIceNo Eggs Discovered1
#1089SpectrierGhostNo Eggs Discovered1
#543Wormadam SandyBugGroundBug1
#544Wormadam TrashBugSteelBug1
#465Castform SunnyFireFairyAmorphous1
#466Castform RainyWaterFairyAmorphous1
#467Castform SnowyIceFairyAmorphous1
#667Basculin Blue StripedWaterWater 24
#674Darmanitan ZenFirePsychicField1
#816Aegislash BladeSteelGhostMineral1
#4Venusaur MegaGrassPoisonMonsterGrass1
#13Blastoise MegaWaterMonsterWater 11
#276Ampharos MegaElectricDragonMonsterField1
#311Heracross MegaBugFightingBug1
#412Aggron MegaSteelMonster1
#418Manectric MegaElectricField1
#571Garchomp MegaDragonGroundMonsterDragon1
#803Floette EternalFairyFairy1
#358Swampert MegaWaterGroundMonsterWater 11
#128Slowbro MegaWaterPsychicMonsterWater 11
#153Steelix MegaSteelGroundMineral1
#24Pidgeot MegaNormalFlyingFlying1
#864Diancie MegaRockFairyNo Eggs Discovered1
#435Camerupt MegaFireGroundField1
#26Rattata AlolaDarkNormalField1
#28Raticate AlolaDarkNormalField1
#29Raticate Totem AlolaDarkNormalField1
#67Vulpix AlolaIceField1
#69Ninetales AlolaIceFairyField1
#116Geodude AlolaRockElectricMineral1
#118Graveler AlolaRockElectricMineral1
#120Golem AlolaRockElectricMineral1
#882Gumshoos TotemNormalField1
#899Lycanroc MidnightRockField1
#934Minior Orange MeteorRockFlyingMineral1
#935Minior Yellow MeteorRockFlyingMineral1
#936Minior Green MeteorRockFlyingMineral1
#937Minior Blue MeteorRockFlyingMineral1
#938Minior Indigo MeteorRockFlyingMineral1
#939Minior Violet MeteorRockFlyingMineral1
#940Minior RedRockFlyingMineral1
#941Minior OrangeRockFlyingMineral1
#942Minior YellowRockFlyingMineral1
#943Minior GreenRockFlyingMineral1
#944Minior BlueRockFlyingMineral1
#945Minior IndigoRockFlyingMineral1
#946Minior VioletRockFlyingMineral1
#961Kommo O TotemDragonFightingDragon1
#897Rockruff Own TempoRockField1
#900Lycanroc DuskRockField1
#950Togedemaru TotemElectricSteelFieldFairy1
#216Eevee StarterNormalField1
#122Ponyta GalarPsychicField1
#124Rapidash GalarPsychicFairyField1
#126Slowpoke GalarPsychicMonsterWater 11
#129Slowbro GalarPoisonPsychicMonsterWater 11
#175Weezing GalarPoisonFairyAmorphous1
#131Slowking GalarPoisonPsychicMonsterWater 11
#322Corsola GalarGhostWater 1Water 31
#362Zigzagoon GalarDarkNormalField1
#364Linoone GalarDarkNormalField1
#672Darumaka GalarIceField1
#675Darmanitan Galar StandardIceField1
#676Darmanitan Galar ZenIceFireField1
#741Stunfisk GalarGroundSteelWater 1Amorphous1
#1060Eiscue NoiceIceWater 1Field1
#1091Calyrex IcePsychicIceNo Eggs Discovered1
#1092Calyrex ShadowPsychicGhostNo Eggs Discovered1


Red Blue No
Yellow No
Ruby Sapphire Yes
Emerald Yes
FireRed LeafGreen Yes
Diamond Pearl Yes
Platinum Yes
HeartGold SoulSilver Yes
Black White Yes
Black 2 White 2 Yes
X Y Yes
Sun Moon Yes
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Yes
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Yes
Sword Shield Yes