Pokemon Ref

Ambipom (Pokémon)


Long Tail Pokémon

Pokédex Data

National No.#424
Type Normal
SpeciesLong Tail Pokémon
Height1.2 m (4' 0.9")
Weight20.3 kg (44.8 lbs)
  1. Technician
  2. Pickup
  3. Skill-link(hidden ability)
Introduced inGeneration 4


Catch Rate45
Base Exp.169
Growth RateFast


Egg Group Field

Base Stats

Special Attack6012%
Special Defense6614%

Ambipom Evolution Chart


Type Effectiveness


No effect on Ambipom Ghost
Normal effect against Ambipom Normal Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy
Super effective against Ambipom Fighting

Ambipom Weakness

This shows the effectiveness of each type on Ambipom. Ambipom is the defender and each type is the attacker. The effectiveness is measured by the damage multiplier.


KeyEffectDamage multiplier
0No effect0%
½ (0.5)Not very effective50%
2Very effective200%

Type effectiveness against Ambipom

1× damage
Normal Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
2× damage
Fighting Pokémon are very effective against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Flying Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Poison Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Ground Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Rock Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Bug Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
0× damage
Ghost Pokémon have no effect against Ambipom.
1× damage
Steel Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Fire Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Water Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Grass Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Electric Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Psychic Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Ice Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Dragon Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Dark Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.
1× damage
Fairy Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Ambipom.

Pokédex Entries

Ambipom was unavailable prior to Generation 4.
Generation 4
DiamondPearlPlatinumTo eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails. It rarely uses its arms now.
HeartGoldThey live on large trees. They are said to communicate by connecting their tails to those of others.
SoulSilverIt is very difficult to dodge the consecutive strikes of its two tails.
Generation 5
BlackWhiteSplit into two, the tails are so adept at handling and doing things, Ambipom rarely uses its hands.
Black 2White 2Split into two, the tails are so adept at handling and doing things, Ambipom rarely uses its hands.
Generation 6
XThey work in large colonies and make rings by linking their tails, apparently in friendship.
YTo eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails. It rarely uses its arms now.
Omega RubyAlpha SapphireThey work in large colonies and make rings by linking their tails, apparently in friendship.
Generation 7
SunAmbipom has no Pokédex entry.
MoonAmbipom has no Pokédex entry.
Ultra SunIn their search for comfortable trees, they get into territorial disputes with groups of Passimian. They win about half the time.
Ultra MoonIt uses its tails for everything. If it wraps both of its tails around you and gives you a squeeze, that’s proof it really likes you.
Let's Go PikachuLet's Go EeveeAmbipom has no Pokédex entry.
Generation 8
SwordAmbipom has no Pokédex entry.
ShieldAmbipom has no Pokédex entry.