Pokemon Ref

Lampent (Pokémon)


Lamp Pokémon

Pokédex Data

National No.#608
Type Ghost Fire
SpeciesLamp Pokémon
Height0.6 m (2' 1.0")
Weight13 kg (28.7 lbs)
  1. Flash-fire
  2. Flame-body
  3. Infiltrator(hidden ability)
Introduced inGeneration 5


Catch Rate90
Base Exp.130
Growth RateMedium Slow


Egg Group Amorphous

Base Stats

Special Attack9526%
Special Defense6016%

Lampent Evolution Chart

Type Effectiveness


No effect on Lampent Normal Fighting
Not very effective against Lampent Poison Bug Steel Fire Grass Ice Fairy
Normal effect against Lampent Flying Electric Psychic Dragon
Super effective against Lampent Ground Rock Ghost Water Dark

Lampent Weakness

This shows the effectiveness of each type on Lampent. Lampent is the defender and each type is the attacker. The effectiveness is measured by the damage multiplier.


KeyEffectDamage multiplier
0No effect0%
¼ (0.25)Not very effective25%
½ (0.5)Not very effective50%
2Very effective200%
4Super effective400%

Type effectiveness against Lampent

0× damage
Normal Pokémon have no effect against Lampent.
0× damage
Fighting Pokémon have no effect against Lampent.
1× damage
Flying Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Lampent.
0.5× damage
Poison Pokémon are not very effective against against Lampent.
2× damage
Ground Pokémon are very effective against against Lampent.
2× damage
Rock Pokémon are very effective against against Lampent.
0.25× damage
Bug Pokémon are not very effective against against Lampent.
2× damage
Ghost Pokémon are very effective against against Lampent.
0.5× damage
Steel Pokémon are not very effective against against Lampent.
0.5× damage
Fire Pokémon are not very effective against against Lampent.
2× damage
Water Pokémon are very effective against against Lampent.
0.5× damage
Grass Pokémon are not very effective against against Lampent.
1× damage
Electric Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Lampent.
1× damage
Psychic Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Lampent.
0.5× damage
Ice Pokémon are not very effective against against Lampent.
1× damage
Dragon Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Lampent.
2× damage
Dark Pokémon are very effective against against Lampent.
0.5× damage
Fairy Pokémon are not very effective against against Lampent.

Pokédex Entries

Lampent was unavailable prior to Generation 5.
Generation 5
BlackWhiteThis ominous Pokémon is feared. Through cities it wanders, searching for the spirits of the fallen.
Black 2White 2The spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful fire. It hangs around hospitals waiting for people to pass on.
Generation 6
XThe spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful fire. It hangs around hospitals waiting for people to pass on.
YIt arrives near the moment of death and steals spirit from the body.
Omega RubyAlpha SapphireThe spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful fire. It hangs around hospitals waiting for people to pass on.
Generation 7
SunLampent has no Pokédex entry.
MoonLampent has no Pokédex entry.
Ultra SunLampent has no Pokédex entry.
Ultra MoonLampent has no Pokédex entry.
Let's Go PikachuLet's Go EeveeLampent has no Pokédex entry.
Generation 8
SwordThis Pokémon appears just before someone passes away, so it’s feared as an emissary of death.
ShieldIt lurks in cities, pretending to be a lamp. Once it finds someone whose death is near, it will trail quietly after them.