Pokemon Ref

Magearna (Pokémon)


Artificial Pokémon

Pokédex Data

National No.#801
Type Steel Fairy
SpeciesArtificial Pokémon
Height1 m (3' 0.3")
Weight80.5 kg (177.5 lbs)
  1. Soul-heart
Introduced inGeneration 7


Catch Rate3
Base Exp.300
Growth RateSlow


Egg Group No Eggs Discovered

Base Stats

Special Attack13022%
Special Defense11519%

Magearna Evolution Chart

Type Effectiveness


No effect on Magearna Poison Dragon
Not very effective against Magearna Normal Flying Rock Bug Grass Psychic Ice Dark Fairy
Normal effect against Magearna Fighting Ghost Steel Water Electric
Super effective against Magearna Ground Fire

Magearna Weakness

This shows the effectiveness of each type on Magearna. Magearna is the defender and each type is the attacker. The effectiveness is measured by the damage multiplier.


KeyEffectDamage multiplier
0No effect0%
¼ (0.25)Not very effective25%
½ (0.5)Not very effective50%
2Very effective200%
4Super effective400%

Type effectiveness against Magearna

0.5× damage
Normal Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.
1× damage
Fighting Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Magearna.
0.5× damage
Flying Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.
0× damage
Poison Pokémon have no effect against Magearna.
2× damage
Ground Pokémon are very effective against against Magearna.
0.5× damage
Rock Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.
0.25× damage
Bug Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.
1× damage
Ghost Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Magearna.
1× damage
Steel Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Magearna.
2× damage
Fire Pokémon are very effective against against Magearna.
1× damage
Water Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Magearna.
0.5× damage
Grass Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.
1× damage
Electric Pokémon have normal effectiveness against against Magearna.
0.5× damage
Psychic Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.
0.5× damage
Ice Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.
0× damage
Dragon Pokémon have no effect against Magearna.
0.5× damage
Dark Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.
0.5× damage
Fairy Pokémon are not very effective against against Magearna.

Pokédex Entries

Magearna was unavailable prior to Generation 7.
Generation 7
SunThis artificial Pokémon, constructed more than 500 years ago, can understand human speech but cannot itself speak.
MoonIts mechanized body is merely a vessel. Its true self is its Soul-Heart, an artificial soul.
Ultra SunIt synchronizes its consciousness with others to understand their feelings. This faculty makes it useful for taking care of people.
Ultra MoonBuilt roughly 500 years ago by a scientist, the part called the Soul-Heart is the actual life-form.
Let's Go PikachuLet's Go EeveeMagearna has no Pokédex entry.
Generation 8
SwordMagearna has no Pokédex entry.
ShieldMagearna has no Pokédex entry.