Pokemon Ref

Fling (Pokémon Move)

Fling Effect


The user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move’s power and effects depend on the item.

In-Depth Effect

Inflicts regular damage. Power and type are determined by the user's held item. The item is consumed. If the user is not holding an item, or its item has no set type and power, this move will fail. This move ignores sticky hold. If the user is under the effect of embargo, this move will fail.

Fling Move Data

Type Dark
Introduced inGeneration 4
Power Points (PP) 10
Base Power
Accuracy 100
Speed Priority0
Selected Pokémon
One other Pokémon on the field, selected by the trainer.


Diamond Pearltm56
HeartGold SoulSilvertm56
Black Whitetm56
Black 2 White 2tm56
X Ytm56
Sun Moontm56
Ultra Sun Ultra Moontm56
Sword Shieldtm59

Game Descriptions

Diamond PearlThe user flings its held item at the foe to attack. Its power and effects depend on the item.
PlatinumThe user flings its held item at the foe to attack. Its power and effects depend on the item.
HeartGold SoulSilverThe user flings its held item at the foe to attack. Its power and effects depend on the item.
Black WhiteThe user flings its held item at the target to attack. Its power and effects depend on the item.
Black 2 White 2The user flings its held item at the target to attack. Its power and effects depend on the item.
X YThe user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move’s power and effects depend on the item.
Sun MoonThe user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move’s power and effects depend on the item.
Ultra Sun Ultra MoonThe user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move’s power and effects depend on the item.
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go EeveeThe user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move’s power and effects depend on the item.
Sword ShieldThe user flings its held item at the target to attack. This move’s power and effects depend on the item.

Pokémon that Learn Fling by Leveling Up

Egg Group
#379PelipperWaterFlyingWater 1Flying34
#234MunchlaxNormalNo Eggs Discovered32
#786FroakieWaterWater 125
#787FrogadierWaterWater 128
#142Grimer AlolaPoisonDarkAmorphous26
#144Muk AlolaPoisonDarkAmorphous26
#165Marowak AlolaFireGhostMonster20
#166Marowak TotemFireGhostMonster37

Pokémon that Learn Fling by Machine

Egg Group
#10SquirtleWaterMonsterWater 1
#11WartortleWaterMonsterWater 1
#12BlastoiseWaterMonsterWater 1
#59NidoqueenPoisonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#93PsyduckWaterWater 1Field
#94GolduckWaterWater 1Field
#100PoliwhirlWaterWater 1
#101PoliwrathWaterFightingWater 1
#127SlowbroWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#139SeelWaterWater 1Field
#140DewgongWaterIceWater 1Field
#156KrabbyWaterWater 3
#157KinglerWaterWater 3
#194Mr MimePsychicFairyHuman-Like
#244DragoniteDragonFlyingWater 1Dragon
#245MewtwoPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#248MewPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#255TotodileWaterMonsterWater 1
#256CroconawWaterMonsterWater 1
#257FeraligatrWaterMonsterWater 1
#34PichuElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#63CleffaFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#70IgglybuffNormalFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#268TogepiFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#278MarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy
#279AzumarillWaterFairyWater 1Fairy
#102PolitoedWaterWater 1
#292QuagsireWaterGroundWater 1Field
#130SlowkingWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#325DelibirdIceFlyingWater 1Field
#199SmoochumIcePsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#201ElekidElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#204MagbyFireNo Eggs Discovered
#346CelebiPsychicGrassNo Eggs Discovered
#356MarshtompWaterGroundMonsterWater 1
#357SwampertWaterGroundMonsterWater 1
#371LombreWaterGrassWater 1Grass
#372LudicoloWaterGrassWater 1Grass
#379PelipperWaterFlyingWater 1Flying
#454CorphishWaterWater 1Water 3
#455CrawdauntWaterDarkWater 1Water 3
#500RegirockRockNo Eggs Discovered
#501RegiceIceNo Eggs Discovered
#502RegisteelSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#509GroudonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#511RayquazaDragonFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#513JirachiSteelPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#514Deoxys NormalPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#524PiplupWaterWater 1Field
#525PrinplupWaterWater 1Field
#526EmpoleonWaterSteelWater 1Field
#531BibarelNormalWaterWater 1Field
#193Mime JrPsychicFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#179HappinyNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#234MunchlaxNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#572RioluFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#577SkorupiPoisonBugBugWater 3
#578DrapionPoisonDarkBugWater 3
#593UxiePsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#594MespritPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#595AzelfPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#597PalkiaWaterDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#599RegigigasNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#603PhioneWaterWater 1Fairy
#604ManaphyWaterWater 1Fairy
#605DarkraiDarkNo Eggs Discovered
#609VictiniPsychicFireNo Eggs Discovered
#653SeismitoadWaterGroundWater 1
#673Darmanitan StandardFireField
#764Tornadus IncarnateFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#766Thundurus IncarnateElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#768ReshiramDragonFireNo Eggs Discovered
#769ZekromDragonElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#770Landorus IncarnateGroundFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#772KyuremDragonIceNo Eggs Discovered
#777Meloetta AriaNormalPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#786FroakieWaterWater 1
#787FrogadierWaterWater 1
#788GreninjaWaterDarkWater 1
#821InkayDarkPsychicWater 1Water 2
#822MalamarDarkPsychicWater 1Water 2
#823BinacleRockWaterWater 3
#824BarbaracleRockWaterWater 3
#865HoopaPsychicGhostNo Eggs Discovered
#867VolcanionFireWaterNo Eggs Discovered
#887CrabrawlerFightingWater 3
#888CrabominableFightingIceWater 3
#927GolisopodBugWaterBugWater 3
#951Mimikyu DisguisedGhostFairyAmorphous
#955BruxishWaterPsychicWater 2
#958Jangmo ODragonDragon
#959Hakamo ODragonFightingDragon
#960Kommo ODragonFightingDragon
#963Tapu LelePsychicFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#964Tapu BuluGrassFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#965Tapu FiniWaterFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#971BuzzwoleBugFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#972PheromosaBugFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#973XurkitreeElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#976GuzzlordDarkDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#977NecrozmaPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#983MarshadowFightingGhostNo Eggs Discovered
#987BlacephalonFireGhostNo Eggs Discovered
#988ZeraoraElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#998DrizzileWaterWater 1Field
#999InteleonWaterWater 1Field
#1032Toxtricity AmpedElectricPoisonHuman-Like
#1050Mr RimeIcePsychicHuman-Like
#1063Morpeko Full BellyElectricDarkFieldFairy
#1082Urshifu Single StrikeFightingDarkNo Eggs Discovered
#1084ZarudeDarkGrassNo Eggs Discovered
#515Deoxys AttackPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#516Deoxys DefensePsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#517Deoxys SpeedPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#674Darmanitan ZenFirePsychicField
#778Meloetta PirouetteNormalFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#765Tornadus TherianFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#767Thundurus TherianElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#771Landorus TherianGroundFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#774Kyurem BlackDragonIceNo Eggs Discovered
#773Kyurem WhiteDragonIceNo Eggs Discovered
#8Charizard Mega XFireDragonMonsterDragon
#9Charizard Mega YFireFlyingMonsterDragon
#13Blastoise MegaWaterMonsterWater 1
#106Alakazam MegaPsychicHuman-Like
#150Gengar MegaGhostPoisonAmorphous
#185Kangaskhan MegaNormalMonster
#208Pinsir MegaBugFlyingBug
#246Mewtwo Mega XPsychicFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#247Mewtwo Mega YPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#276Ampharos MegaElectricDragonMonsterField
#198Scizor MegaBugSteelBug
#311Heracross MegaBugFightingBug
#343Tyranitar MegaRockDarkMonster
#354Blaziken MegaFireFightingField
#383Gardevoir MegaPsychicFairyHuman-LikeAmorphous
#408Mawile MegaSteelFairyFieldFairy
#412Aggron MegaSteelMonster
#415Medicham MegaFightingPsychicHuman-Like
#471Banette MegaGhostAmorphous
#571Garchomp MegaDragonGroundMonsterDragon
#574Lucario MegaFightingSteelFieldHuman-Like
#586Abomasnow MegaGrassIceMonsterGrass
#358Swampert MegaWaterGroundMonsterWater 1
#350Sceptile MegaGrassDragonMonsterDragon
#406Sableye MegaDarkGhostHuman-Like
#385Gallade MegaPsychicFightingHuman-LikeAmorphous
#647Audino MegaNormalFairyFairy
#128Slowbro MegaWaterPsychicMonsterWater 1
#510Groudon PrimalGroundFireNo Eggs Discovered
#512Rayquaza MegaDragonFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#37Pikachu Rock StarElectricFieldFairy
#38Pikachu BelleElectricFieldFairy
#39Pikachu Pop StarElectricFieldFairy
#40Pikachu PhdElectricFieldFairy
#41Pikachu LibreElectricFieldFairy
#36Pikachu CosplayElectricFieldFairy
#866Hoopa UnboundPsychicDarkNo Eggs Discovered
#559Lopunny MegaNormalFightingFieldHuman-Like
#42Pikachu Original CapElectricFieldFairy
#43Pikachu Hoenn CapElectricFieldFairy
#44Pikachu Sinnoh CapElectricFieldFairy
#45Pikachu Unova CapElectricFieldFairy
#46Pikachu Kalos CapElectricFieldFairy
#47Pikachu Alola CapElectricFieldFairy
#52Raichu AlolaElectricPsychicFieldFairy
#54Sandshrew AlolaIceSteelField
#56Sandslash AlolaIceSteelField
#116Geodude AlolaRockElectricMineral
#118Graveler AlolaRockElectricMineral
#120Golem AlolaRockElectricMineral
#142Grimer AlolaPoisonDarkAmorphous
#144Muk AlolaPoisonDarkAmorphous
#165Marowak AlolaFireGhostMonster
#789Greninja Battle BondWaterDarkWater 1
#790Greninja AshWaterDarkWater 1
#882Gumshoos TotemNormalField
#912Lurantis TotemGrassGrass
#917Salazzle TotemPoisonFireMonsterDragon
#952Mimikyu BustedGhostFairyAmorphous
#953Mimikyu Totem DisguisedGhostFairyAmorphous
#954Mimikyu Totem BustedGhostFairyAmorphous
#961Kommo O TotemDragonFightingDragon
#48Pikachu Partner CapElectricFieldFairy
#166Marowak TotemFireGhostMonster
#950Togedemaru TotemElectricSteelFieldFairy
#978Necrozma DuskPsychicSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#979Necrozma DawnPsychicGhostNo Eggs Discovered
#980Necrozma UltraPsychicDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#50Pikachu World CapElectricFieldFairy
#129Slowbro GalarPoisonPsychicMonsterWater 1
#195Mr Mime GalarIcePsychicHuman-Like
#131Slowking GalarPoisonPsychicMonsterWater 1
#362Zigzagoon GalarDarkNormalField
#364Linoone GalarDarkNormalField
#672Darumaka GalarIceField
#675Darmanitan Galar StandardIceField
#676Darmanitan Galar ZenIceFireField
#1033Toxtricity Low KeyElectricPoisonHuman-Like
#1064Morpeko HangryElectricDarkFieldFairy
#1085Zarude DadaDarkGrassNo Eggs Discovered


Red Blue No
Yellow No
Ruby Sapphire No
Emerald No
FireRed LeafGreen No
Diamond Pearl Yes
Platinum Yes
HeartGold SoulSilver Yes
Black White Yes
Black 2 White 2 Yes
X Y Yes
Sun Moon Yes
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Yes
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Yes
Sword Shield Yes