Pokemon Ref

Payback (Pokémon Move)

Payback Effect


The user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.

In-Depth Effect

Inflicts regular damage. If the target uses a move or switches out this turn before this move is used, this move has double power.

Payback Move Data

Type Dark
Introduced inGeneration 4
Power Points (PP) 10
Base Power 50
Accuracy 100
Speed Priority0
Selected Pokémon
One other Pokémon on the field, selected by the trainer.


Diamond Pearltm66
HeartGold SoulSilvertm66
Black Whitetm66
Black 2 White 2tm66
X Ytm66
Sun Moontm66
Ultra Sun Ultra Moontm66
Sword Shieldtm57

Game Descriptions

Diamond PearlIf the user can use this attack after the foe attacks, its power is doubled.
PlatinumIf the user can use this attack after the foe attacks, its power is doubled.
HeartGold SoulSilverIf the user can use this attack after the foe attacks, its power is doubled.
Black WhiteIf the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.
Black 2 White 2If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.
X YThe user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.
Sun MoonThe user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.
Ultra Sun Ultra MoonThe user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go EeveeThe user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.
Sword ShieldThe user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack’s power will be doubled.

Pokémon that Learn Payback by Leveling Up

Egg Group
#379PelipperWaterFlyingWater 1Flying19
#599RegigigasNormalNo Eggs Discovered6
#821InkayDarkPsychicWater 1Water 29
#822MalamarDarkPsychicWater 1Water 29
#887CrabrawlerFightingWater 329
#150Gengar MegaGhostPoisonAmorphous28
#343Tyranitar MegaRockDarkMonster41
#67Vulpix AlolaIceField18
#241Moltres GalarDarkFlyingNo Eggs Discovered5

Pokémon that Learn Payback by Breeding

Egg Group

Pokémon that Learn Payback by Machine

Egg Group
#101PoliwrathWaterFightingWater 1
#113TentacoolWaterPoisonWater 3
#114TentacruelWaterPoisonWater 3
#145ShellderWaterWater 3
#146CloysterWaterIceWater 3
#194Mr MimePsychicFairyHuman-Like
#211GyaradosWaterFlyingWater 2Dragon
#248MewPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#102PolitoedWaterWater 1
#308QwilfishWaterPoisonWater 2
#324OctilleryWaterWater 1Water 2
#199SmoochumIcePsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#379PelipperWaterFlyingWater 1Flying
#428CarvanhaWaterDarkWater 2
#429SharpedoWaterDarkWater 2
#454CorphishWaterWater 1Water 3
#455CrawdauntWaterDarkWater 1Water 3
#550FloatzelWaterWater 1Field
#572RioluFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#577SkorupiPoisonBugBugWater 3
#578DrapionPoisonDarkBugWater 3
#582FinneonWaterWater 2
#583LumineonWaterWater 2
#595AzelfPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#598HeatranFireSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#599RegigigasNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#600Giratina AlteredGhostDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#605DarkraiDarkNo Eggs Discovered
#608ArceusNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#653SeismitoadWaterGroundWater 1
#673Darmanitan StandardFireField
#740StunfiskGroundElectricWater 1Amorphous
#764Tornadus IncarnateFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#766Thundurus IncarnateElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#768ReshiramDragonFireNo Eggs Discovered
#769ZekromDragonElectricNo Eggs Discovered
#770Landorus IncarnateGroundFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#772KyuremDragonIceNo Eggs Discovered
#777Meloetta AriaNormalPsychicNo Eggs Discovered
#811Meowstic MalePsychicField
#821InkayDarkPsychicWater 1Water 2
#822MalamarDarkPsychicWater 1Water 2
#823BinacleRockWaterWater 3
#824BarbaracleRockWaterWater 3
#857YveltalDarkFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#858Zygarde 50DragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#887CrabrawlerFightingWater 3
#888CrabominableFightingIceWater 3
#903MareaniePoisonWaterWater 1
#904ToxapexPoisonWaterWater 1
#927GolisopodBugWaterBugWater 3
#931Type NullNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#932SilvallyNormalNo Eggs Discovered
#951Mimikyu DisguisedGhostFairyAmorphous
#955BruxishWaterPsychicWater 2
#958Jangmo ODragonDragon
#959Hakamo ODragonFightingDragon
#960Kommo ODragonFightingDragon
#964Tapu BuluGrassFairyNo Eggs Discovered
#971BuzzwoleBugFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#976GuzzlordDarkDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#983MarshadowFightingGhostNo Eggs Discovered
#987BlacephalonFireGhostNo Eggs Discovered
#1014ChewtleWaterMonsterWater 1
#1015DrednawWaterRockMonsterWater 1
#1032Toxtricity AmpedElectricPoisonHuman-Like
#1036ClobbopusFightingWater 1Human-Like
#1037GrapploctFightingWater 1Human-Like
#1050Mr RimeIcePsychicHuman-Like
#1055PincurchinElectricWater 1Amorphous
#1063Morpeko Full BellyElectricDarkFieldFairy
#1068ArctozoltElectricIceNo Eggs Discovered
#1077ZamazentaFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#1079EternatusPoisonDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#1082Urshifu Single StrikeFightingDarkNo Eggs Discovered
#1084ZarudeDarkGrassNo Eggs Discovered
#1088GlastrierIceNo Eggs Discovered
#1089SpectrierGhostNo Eggs Discovered
#601Giratina OriginGhostDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#674Darmanitan ZenFirePsychicField
#778Meloetta PirouetteNormalFightingNo Eggs Discovered
#765Tornadus TherianFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#767Thundurus TherianElectricFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#771Landorus TherianGroundFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#774Kyurem BlackDragonIceNo Eggs Discovered
#773Kyurem WhiteDragonIceNo Eggs Discovered
#812Meowstic FemalePsychicField
#150Gengar MegaGhostPoisonAmorphous
#212Gyarados MegaWaterDarkWater 2Dragon
#233Aerodactyl MegaRockFlyingFlying
#331Houndoom MegaDarkFireField
#343Tyranitar MegaRockDarkMonster
#408Mawile MegaSteelFairyFieldFairy
#412Aggron MegaSteelMonster
#471Banette MegaGhostAmorphous
#479Absol MegaDarkField
#574Lucario MegaFightingSteelFieldHuman-Like
#406Sableye MegaDarkGhostHuman-Like
#430Sharpedo MegaWaterDarkWater 2
#153Steelix MegaSteelGroundMineral
#482Glalie MegaIceFairyMineral
#20Beedrill MegaBugPoisonBug
#67Vulpix AlolaIceField
#69Ninetales AlolaIceFairyField
#89Meowth AlolaDarkField
#92Persian AlolaDarkField
#142Grimer AlolaPoisonDarkAmorphous
#144Muk AlolaPoisonDarkAmorphous
#860Zygarde 10 Power ConstructDragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#861Zygarde 50 Power ConstructDragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#862Zygarde CompleteDragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#882Gumshoos TotemNormalField
#899Lycanroc MidnightRockField
#912Lurantis TotemGrassGrass
#917Salazzle TotemPoisonFireMonsterDragon
#952Mimikyu BustedGhostFairyAmorphous
#953Mimikyu Totem DisguisedGhostFairyAmorphous
#954Mimikyu Totem BustedGhostFairyAmorphous
#961Kommo O TotemDragonFightingDragon
#950Togedemaru TotemElectricSteelFieldFairy
#90Meowth GalarSteelField
#175Weezing GalarPoisonFairyAmorphous
#195Mr Mime GalarIcePsychicHuman-Like
#239Zapdos GalarFightingFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#241Moltres GalarDarkFlyingNo Eggs Discovered
#362Zigzagoon GalarDarkNormalField
#364Linoone GalarDarkNormalField
#675Darmanitan Galar StandardIceField
#676Darmanitan Galar ZenIceFireField
#684Yamask GalarGroundGhostMineralAmorphous
#741Stunfisk GalarGroundSteelWater 1Amorphous
#859Zygarde 10DragonGroundNo Eggs Discovered
#1033Toxtricity Low KeyElectricPoisonHuman-Like
#1064Morpeko HangryElectricDarkFieldFairy
#1078Zamazenta CrownedFightingSteelNo Eggs Discovered
#1080Eternatus EternamaxPoisonDragonNo Eggs Discovered
#1085Zarude DadaDarkGrassNo Eggs Discovered
#1091Calyrex IcePsychicIceNo Eggs Discovered
#1092Calyrex ShadowPsychicGhostNo Eggs Discovered


Red Blue No
Yellow No
Ruby Sapphire No
Emerald No
FireRed LeafGreen No
Diamond Pearl Yes
Platinum Yes
HeartGold SoulSilver Yes
Black White Yes
Black 2 White 2 Yes
X Y Yes
Sun Moon Yes
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Yes
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee Yes
Sword Shield Yes